About Me

about me

Hello! My name is Nikki, and I’m a single mother to a beautiful baby girl, as well as an Air Force Veteran. I’m passionate about personal development, self-improvement, and helping others. I believe that everyone should be treated with love and compassion as if they were my own child.

I’ve experienced both the beautiful and the ugly facets of life, which is why I decided to create a space where I and others can share those experiences in hopes of inspiring others. Topics can range from simple life skills to overcoming hardships to tips on buying a car.

I’m not an expert, and I don’t claim to be one. I’m just a girl who has learned a lot in life and has a lot to share. My background includes a Bachelor of Science in Business and a Master of Arts in Organizational Management. I also have plenty of leadership courses under my belt from my time in the military. As a former career counselor and manager for many years, I’ve counseled hundreds if not thousands of military personnel. However, possessions and external achievements alone do not justify expertise. My ultimate goal is to share my experiences and knowledge with you, fostering your personal growth and empowering you to become the best version of yourself.

I understand that there are probably thousands of sites out there just like this one. However, my hope is that this site can become one more tool to add to your “toolbox.” It’s for anyone and everyone, not just moms and daughters.

My Personal Story (in a nutshell)

I had a wonderful childhood, raised by two loving and supportive parents in the South. My career in the military allowed me to travel the world, gain valuable skills, and make lifelong friends. However, the last decade of my career took a challenging turn.

I experienced the horrors of war, lost friends to suicide, and went through a divorce. The stress took a toll on my mental and physical health, leading to depression and anxiety.

Recognizing the need for change, I retired from the Air Force and pursued a corporate job. But after a year, through a lot of self-reflection and therapy, I discovered my passion for giving back and realized my true fulfillment comes from service to others.

military photo

This site is a way for me to share my journey and hopefully add value to yours.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out here. Thank you for your support!

Get to Know the Real Me

mom and daughter

Residence: Originally from Louisiana but resides in Houston, Texas. 

Zodiac Sign: Cancer

Loves: I’m a dog lover, amateur DIYer, amateur Interior Designer, and love a good book! I’m also a sucker for a good documentary (nerd alert!).

Favorite movie(s): Hmm, I love a good comedy, mystery, or thriller. I can’t say I have a favorite, but Interstellar with Matthew McConaughey comes to mind right now. 

Favorite TV show(s): Okay, I watch a LOT of real crime TV. If I’m not watching a documentary, it’s pretty much an HGTV show or something on the ID channel. 

Favorite Book(s): OMG, so many! The last excellent book I read was The Untethered Soul by Michael A. Singer. My absolute favorite book is The Seat of the Soul by Gary Zukav

Favorite Podcast(s): Oprah Super Soul SundayThe Aaron Abke Podcast, The Side Hustle Show and The Table with AORecently, I listened to Letters from Sing Sing, produced by NBC News producer Dan Slepian, and I HIGHLY recommend it. 

Guilty Pleasure(s): TV show 90 Fiancé

Hobbies: Blogging, reading, spending time with my daughter, cleaning/organizing (it’s so therapeutic), listening to live music, going out with friends and family, and dining out. 

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