Emotional Support black heart

Accessing resources has never been more important than it is now. If you’re looking for emotional support, help with food and home insecurities, or a safe place for the LGBTQ+ community, there are resources available to you. Don’t hesitate to take advantage of these valuable tools today!

Suicide Prevention

Suicide and Crisis Line

Offers immediate 24/7 support, compassion, and a listening ear to help you find hope and prevent feelings of suicide. To connect, dial or text 988 

Veterans Crisis Line

Provides 24/7 immediate assistance and support for veterans experiencing emotional distress, offering hope and resilience during challenging times. To connect, dial 988, press 1 

LGBTQ+ Support

The Trevor Project

Provides 24/7 crisis intervention and suicide prevention services for LGBTQ+ youth. To talk with someone for free, send a text to 678-678 or visit:

Trans Hotline

A peer crisis support group that provides a safe and confidential space for transgender individuals to receive 24/7 support, resources, and information through empathetic and affirming conversations. For support dial (877)565-8860 or visit: https://translifeline.org/hotline/

7 Cups

An online platform which offers free, anonymous and confidential text chat with trained listeners and online therapists and counselors. To connect with someone, visit:


National Domestic Violence Hotline

Offers 24/7 support, information, and resources for individuals experiencing domestic violence. For help dial 1.800.799.SAFE (7233) TTY 1.800.787.3224 or send text to 88788.

The United Way

For assistance with financial, healthcare, food or home insecurities, dial 211 or visit:

7 Cups

An online platform which offers free, anonymous and confidential text chat with trained listeners and online therapists and counselors. To connect with someone, visit:

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